Position: Student Assistant - Food Team
Deadline: 7 November 2016
Location: 1 Dongwujie, Sanlitun, Beijing 100600
Preferred Qualifications:
If you find this attractive, we are open for applicants who currently study at a university. We prefer you to have the following qualifications:
• Excellent command in English both in writing and speaking;
• Studies related with the food sector, business or international relations is a plus;
• Good analytical and communication skills;
• Good over viewing and planning skills as well as an ability to sense important details;
• Structured approach to assignments.
Job Description:
• Contribution to and participation in writing reports;
• Contribution to execute VIP meetings and on-going cases;
• Data collection;
• Information collection for planning of high level visits between Danish companies and Chinese authorities or companies;
• Ad hoc assignments.
Time frame: Demands 20 hours per week, at least 12-month commitment
Salary: Monthly salary of 2,000 RMB.
To apply for the positions, please send your CV and application in English explaining your motivation and qualifications for the job to bjsambhrchina@um.dk. The subject box of the e-mail should read “Intern – Food Team”. If you have any questions about the position, please contact Ms Alma Feng at +86 10 8532 9900 or yanfen@um.dk.