威海德益潤邦生物科技有限公司于2012年在威海市注冊成立,從事創新藥物的研究開發和保健及功能食品的產業化,集研發、生產和銷售為一體的有限責任制科技企業。公司已建立了包括生物工程藥物、化學合成藥物制劑及新功效開發的研發平臺及功能食品的產業化基地。現有職員30余人, 80%以上為本科以上學歷,專業涵蓋醫學、藥學、食品科學等多門類學科,專業配備合理,知識結構互補,是一支高素質的經營團隊。公司實行以功能食品的產業化為支撐,創造必要的現金流,以支持創新藥物的開發。
Founded in February, 2012, and located at E&D Industrial District, Weihai in China, Weihai Lowcalories Co., Ltd is a developing company, focuses on research and development of pharmaceutical products and industrializing of produced food in dietary fiber. Attracted by our aggressive progress and entrepreneurial spirit, our company has gathered the high intelligent scientists and business people national widely. The company has well developed facilities for drug development in biologicals and small molecules, and the well qualified facilities for the manufacture and quality control of produced food products as instant meal and drink powder.
The core management of the company has been to emphasize the research and development of pharmaceutical products in heart disease, stroke and cancer as well as solidify the supporting lines of produced food products in dietary fiber. High dietary fiber and low calories intake has been proved to play an important role in lowing blood cholesterol, body weight, and blood glucose level and prevent from intestinal cancer. LowCalories, the brand of our produced food is a series of novel rich dietary fiber food and meal replacement in food industry and has approved IP protection in China, and represents the high marketing potential in China as well as in the world.
ADD: Innovation Industrial Park,Qingdao South Road,Weihai City
TEL: 0631-5961038